6 rentals over 6 months
Bulk rental package: 6 rentals over 6 months for a discounted price
- With the average rental price being $50, this is a 40% discount!
How to book:
1. Purchase your bulk rental package through this page.
2. You will be emailed an exclusive discount code once your order has been processed.
3. Use this code at checkout to receive your discounted rental! This code can be used on any rental, at any time during the 6 months after your bulk rental subscription is purchased.
Terms of this bulk rental deal:
- all bulk rental purchases are only valid for 6 months after subscription is purchased.
- you will still be bound by our rental agreement and our terms and conditions of renting.
- only you can use the discount code and wear the rentals purchased with the discount code.
- postage costs of $15 for overnight courier (return included) is not included within the bulk rental package cost.
- if you are wanting to add a damage wavier , this is also an extra $10 cost that is not included in the bulk rental price.
- each item booked = one rental used.
- rentals are subject to availability.

6 rentals over 6 months